
I guess you can call them accidents

Another few weeks of unemployment. Not that I'm not enjoying waking up at 10 everyday and having very little on my plate save for donating plasma twice a week, but im bored. So with the nice weather has led me outside for some spring time activities. This of course brings up the opportunity for blunders. Not that I am not familiar in a canoe or on my bike, but accidents do happen. So here are a couple stories to keep you interested.
Thanks to Tom, we had a GPS adventure at 7 Mile Creek for a couple of hours that led to the idea of a canoe adventure the next day. Tom and I, as well as Mitch and Tom's friend Kramer rented a canoe to go along with the one Tom owns. In the spring high water we decided to try a smaller river we had never attempted before. Although the day was in the 50s it lacked the consistent sunlight that would have made it extraordinary. We loaded everything up and drove to the Le Sueur River a couple miles out of town. Mitch jumped in with me and Kramer teamed up with Tom in his canoe. The start was a little slow and the water wasnt very high. We had to portage around a couple of down trees but the river picked up speed and depth quickly. High banks led to very little scenery and slapping oars at carp was our only entertainment for half of the trip. But then the Cobb River entered in and we had the rapids we craved. Both canoes were side by side rounding a quick curve. Tom and Kramer were cruising by us on the outside, a touch fast. They quickly realized they were doomed to crash into a tree which was spread out on the outside bank. Kramer found the log first and dove under it but Tom was not as fortunate. He instinctively hugged onto the log but the river current was to strong. He tried to duck under but as he did the inside edge of their canoe went under. They were taking on water quickly. Mitch and I couldnt help but break out laughing as Tom's look of terror and the frigid water were too funny. Kramer ditched the canoe and we noticed him floating down the river. Our first instincts were to go after him but we realized he was fine and almost to shore our attention shifted to Tom. He was about 10 feet away from out canoe and he fretishly asked me what I thought he should do. I told him to ditch and he dove for the cooler with the car keys and the phone in it. Mitch and I, still laughing, went after the gear as Tom swam for shore. After we had gathered the gear and reached shore, Tom and Kramer caught up to us. Mitch and I could do nothing but laugh at our counterparts who were drenched from head to toe. They obviously didnt think it was as funny.We eventually got on our way and the rest of the trip was relativly dry. Certainly a story for Kramer to tell as it was his first time canoeing. And a story that I am happy to tell people as I had a front row seat rather than a first hand experience. This might be one of those story's where you had to be there but trust me, it was hilarious.

On to the next accident. Yesterday I bought some clip in shoes for my bike. A bit more efficient in your pedal and what the hell they were on sale. A little present for myself as I found out I can work for the city for a couple of months. After a little tinkering today, I figured out how they work I tested them a few times on my block. For those of you who dont know. These shoes "clipped in" are attached to the pedals and you have to twist your foot to release your shoe. It seemed easy enough so I decided to take them on a ride. It was a beautiful day as I crossed through Lower North, across the bridge and hooked on to the Sahkata Trail. This trail meanders up through the woods along the South side of town and out towards Madison Lake and eventually Faribault. Going out was no problem, except for the fact that it is all uphill. I was about 12 miles out and found a good place to turn around. I was feeling good, I think the shoes actually helped with my pedal strenght and endurance. So I turned around and clipped my left foot in. I prepared to push off with my right and somehow I lost my balance. I fell to the left on my clipped in foot. Whoops. So obviously I cant get up. My bike has my left leg trapped to the ground. Sweet. So looking like an idiot I had to take my left shoe off, thank god for velcro, then I could unclip my shoe from the pedal. No harm no foul. I guess that has to happen sometime. So i was on my way back down the trail with no more than a bruised ego. I was making great time on the way back and I was less than 2 miles from home crossing the RR tracks by Riverfront Drive. (see one of the most heavily trafficked streets in Mankato) I was slowing down to wait for the light to change and I slipped my right heel out to unclip. This little slip of my heel sent me off balance and with both feet still clipped in I went down hard. My handle bar slammed down and took most of the impact. And somehow, magically both of my feet unclipped. I dont know how I would have gotten out of that one. So looking like an idiot in front of about 20 cars. I pick myself up. Obviously I missed the light and was to ashamed to wait there for another couple minutes as people laugh at me so I took of another way. With a bit of blood running down my right shin and some skin off my elbow, it definetly could have been worse. But my bike took the worst of it. My right gearshift and handlebar had been shoved inward and my seat had been cranked a bit as well. I had planned to go a bit further down the North Mankato side of the river but obviously I was in no mood for that for fear of another embarassing fall. So a little loosening and tightening adjusted the seat but I needed the vice grips to adjust the handlebars. Maybe next time I will avoid intersections and stop lights. stupid.

So that was the funny stuff. An update on me. I finally got a Rosetta Stone for Swahili so I have started that. A lot of unfamiliar sounds and confusing consanants. I have put off getting excited about Tanzania for another month or so. So if I dont know to much about my assignment or the country dont sue me. But I finally got the go ahead to work with Rick and the ballfield crew until I leave in June. Some more spending money I guess. Outdoors and some physical labor. pretty good deal.

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